Current Images

I was 29 years old, standing in the middle of the field as a young and fit woman. I was shining in the sun with my tank top, maybe a little brave but full of strength inside me. The male workers of the field could not take their eyes off me one by one as they did their work. Some were smiling, some were silently looking, but all of them showed me a truth that I realized: They also accepted that I was a human being, a woman and that I was strong.

I was standing there like plants that put their roots deep under the ground. I felt strong and free under the sun, in the middle of nature. Maybe I wanted to immortalize that moment; I took out my phone and took a few photos. Maybe just to remember, maybe to share.

And now, as I write this story, I relive the beauty of that moment. I feel the power of being human and a part of nature.

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