I would wake up early in the morning

I would wake up early in the morning and prepare the few pieces of breakfast that were left at home for my children, and I would put 4-5 liras in the pockets of their aprons so that they could buy bagels for lunch. I would leave the house every morning and go to the market.
One morning when I woke up, I cut a stale loaf of bread that I had bought from the bakery for half the price, and put a small piece of cheese and about 10 olives as an addition to the bread. My 10-year-old son Veysel had woken up at that time.
He looked at me for a moment. He examined my skirt with countless patches on it and my very old cardigan for a long time. Just as I was about to put 5 liras in their aprons and walk out the door… Click on the image to continue reading

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